jQuery Floating List

Sam Sehnert, Phil Taylor 1.2.4
Version 1.2.3 & 1.2.4
jQuery Plugin website compatibilitiy.
Version 1.2.2
Merged pull requests from GitHub: #1, #2
Version 1.2.1
Fixed the destory method for new wrapper method
Improved automated styles (including removing styles in destroy)
Added support for elements using max-height css property.
Version 1.2.0
Added ability to define scrolltarget element. Plugin watches for scrolling on this element, and positions header based on scroll level.
Added ability to set animation easing and completion function for scrollTo method.
Fixed triggering of headingChange method so that it would trigger even when reversing mid scroll.
Fixed styling to pick up computed style of header element.
Changed plugin wrapper method. Now wraps list items for scrolling, and adds list header under original list, outside wrapper.
Version 1.1.2
Added scrollTo method for automatically scrolling to a given heading index.
Version 1.1.1
Updated unload script so destroying plugin and restoring DOM is possible.
Version 1.1.0
Added headingChange event, triggers when the calendars heading changes from one to another.
Added plugin log method for debugging information.
Improved code commenting and documentation.
Updated version method to return VID if required (numeric version number).
Version 1.0.0
Implemented basic plugin functionality.